Lemon Bottlebrush - Callistemon pallidus

Common name - Lemon bottlebrush
Latin - Callistemon pallidus or Melaleuca pallida
Pruning - Responds well and encourages dense, bushy habit
Frost tolerance - High
Soil - Does well in all soils and adapts to waterlogging
Watering - Prefers a moist site. Tolerates but does not thrive in dry conditions
Flowers - October - January
Summer -
Autumn -
Winter -
Spring -
Fertilising - Mulch and complete fertiliser in spring and autumn
Propagation - Collect old seed capsules all year. Leave to dry and very fine seed will be released. Sow early spring with very light cover. Take cuttings from new growth that has hardened February-March. Strikes easily

An upright hardy shrub with slender spreading branches growing to a height of 3m by 2m across. The fresh lemon coloured brushes present a pleasing contrast to the grey-green foliage.

Useful in shelterbelts. Flowers provide food for nectar-eating mammals, for insects and so for insect-eating birds. Susceptible to browsing by possums and wallabies.