Handsome Beauty - Veronica Formosa

Common name - Handsome Beauty
Latin - Veronica formosa
Pruning - Responds well to pruning as it tends to become lanky. In winter the old stems should be cut back to make the plant more compact.
Frost tolerance - Heavy -7ºC
Soil - Grows well in most soils.
Watering -
Flowers - From late Spring or early Summer
Summer -
Autumn -
Winter - Prune old stems to make more compact.
Spring -
Fertilising -
Propagation - Take cuttings in late January. These will strike in about 6 weeks.

Veronica formosa is a common native shrub that grows in damp woodlands and open forests through most of eastern Tasmania. It has narrow, opposite and decussate leaves that are entire, up to 2 cm long . The flowers are almost radially symmetrical, with the upper petal slightly larger, white to blue-purple and in dense, spike-like inflorescences scattered in the upper branches.